Saturday, February 9, 2008

WHERE: 37 Lower Horning

TIME: 5pm - 7:30pm(ish)

WHAT: DVD Study & Potluck: We'll continue watching "Another World is Possible: Poverty," and wrestle with questions like "How can we be a people of Love and Justice?" "What's our responsibility as city-members and as children of God?" "Who's our neighbour?"

Please also bring Donations for the Food Bank or Clothing Bank!

RSVP: or call 905-526-0552 for directions.

See more info on the series: Volume 2: Poverty. In this Volume... The Simple Way community takes us on a jouney through our world of economic extremes, from the poverty of Philly’s inner city to the clamor of Wall Street. Begining in an abandoned house, they drive us through the industrial wasteland of Kensington, and they invite us to the New York Stock Exchange for the infamous Jubliee Money Drop. Multi-media clips included here are designed for educational purposes and biblical study. A beautiful harmony of songs and images, teaching and storytelling unveil the tragic realities of our fragile world and incredible hope that “another world is possible.” Here we are all invited to re-imagine the communality of the early Christian Church and to discover fresh ways of living it out today.

Upcoming Conference - TRUECITY

When: Feb 22-23
Where: Philpott Memorial (Hamilton)
This year's conference theme is Waging Peace as inspired by 2 Corinthians 10:4-5—"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." Together we will explore what a lifestyle pursuing God’s shalom-peace for our neighbourhoods and our city looks like, interacting on how to practically live this out as communities of Jesus-followers.

Check out

Upcoming Conference - MISSIONFEST

When: March 6-8
Where: Toronto Congress Centre
