Monday, November 26, 2007


WHERE: 37 Lower Horning

TIME1: 5pm
DVD Study: "Another World is Possible: Poverty"
TIME2: 6pm
Potluck (bring salad, dessert, or main dish)
TIME3: 7:30/8pm
Carolling in our neighbourhood!!!

BRING: Donations for the Clothing Bank!

RSVP: and tell us what food you can bring.

See more info on the series: Volume 2: Poverty. In this Volume... The Simple Way community takes us on a jouney through our world of economic extremes, from the poverty of Philly’s inner city to the clamor of Wall Street. Begining in an abandoned house, they drive us through the industrial wasteland of Kensington, and they invite us to the New York Stock Exchange for the infamous Jubliee Money Drop. Multi-media clips included here are designed for educational purposes and biblical study. A beautiful harmony of songs and images, teaching and storytelling unveil the tragic realities of our fragile world and incredible hope that “another world is possible.” Here we are all invited to re-imagine the communality of the early Christian Church and to discover fresh ways of living it out today.

December Updates

Hi Everyone!
Happy almost Christmas!
Ok, I know it's over a month away but it's a grey day and I needed some holiday cheer.
Diana Krall's crooning carols here at our house and I'm about to make hot chocolate :)
Here's a preview of things to come:
(Please let friends or family know if you think they're interested in anything here)

Last meeting we had Kelly Baker (Volunteer Coordinator at Mission Services) come and talk to us about Volunteer Opportunities in the city. It was AWESOME!
There's so much need out there and there are so many ways to connect - an opportunity for every gifting and every type of schedule.
One of Kelly's roles is to interview volunteer applicants - she can chat with you and help place you in the opportunity that fits you best.
- Check out Mission Service's website:
- Download a Volunteer Application:
- And CERTAINLY email Kelly to ask her about opportunities:

Next Potluck is Sun, Dec 2 @ 37 Lower Horning (see above)
***Tis the Season for cleaning out your closet!!! Bring the clothes or household items that you haven't used in awhile to the potluck and we'll take them to Mission Services to give out at the clothing bank.

When we were sorting clothes for the clothing bank last year one question that was raised was, how do we value the people we share things with by the quality of what we're sharing?
TALK TO YOUR CHURCH (start with the pastor or an elder?) and ask to accept clothing donations at church over the next few weeks:
Nov 29th, Dec 2nd, Dec 9th. This is a great time of year for people to clean out their closets and donate nice items to those who have very little over the winter months.
Feel free to bring items on Dec 2nd to the Potluck - you can also drop things off here at 37 Lower Horning any time.

Keep January 25th on your radar!
We'll be talking about this more on Dec 2 and are hoping everyone will share the info with family/friends/church.
It'll be AWESOME, that's all I can say.
Place: Freeway church
Time: 7pm (I think)
Local musicians, Fair-trade coffee, Info from the community
(e.g.: TrueCity is doing a presentation)... good times!
Check out and

Some of you have started training at Inasmuch already, which is really exciting! For the rest of us, there'll be training again in February if you're interested.
Email Kelly Baker at for more info.

Sherry's looking into a date for the group of us to help out in the Clothing Bank - hopefully during the week of Dec 12th. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


The Dessert Kickoff was GREAT!
Thanks for bringing the delicious food and your fun selves :)

Here's what we're up to now:

POTLUCK: Nov 11 (@ Sherry's)

1) Clothing Bank (for sure)
2) Monthly Mission Meal (periodic)
3) Inasmuch House (possible, T.B.A.)
4) Anything else you'd like! (see links on right, halfway down)

1) Coffeehouse (next one Jan 25 @ Freeway!)
2) Be a Voice in your Church....

Monday, October 1, 2007


WHAT: Coffee/Dessert Night Kickoff (bring a snack or dessert) TIME: 7-9pm
WHERE: 37 Lower Horning (
WHY: A time of introductions, spotlights on ministry opportunities (like Inasmuch House, the Clothing Bank, Word4theStreet Coffeehouse, Mission Services Community dinners, Prison Ministry, etc.), sign-up for the aforementioned opportunities, dessert (of course), and prayer/worship together. All welcome!

WHAT: Spotlight route6:4 at your church! (We'll help you with info)

WHAT: Monthly Potluck Dinner
TIME1: 5-6pm (Predinner business and biblestudy/worship)
TIME2: 6-8pm (Potluck! All invited... Christian, non-Christian, liberal, conservative, bohemian, grandparents, kids, vegan, whatever!)
WHY: To regroup, share experiences, meet people, and of course... to eat.

Email for more info.
Looking forward to getting uncomfortable with you....

Thursday, September 20, 2007


WHERE: Redeemer University/College
WHEN: 7pm (in the cafeteria)
WHO: Matt de Zoete, Jay Pluim
...and a few friends!
WHY: This is to raise awareness about needs and opportunities in our city.
Bring a canned good!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Coffeehouse was AWESOME

At one point it was standing-room only!
Good food, good friends, good music, good message....

Awareness was raised about the needs in our city & at the end of the night Mission Services received some much-needed funds and canned-goods for their programs.

Thanks to 1st CRC for the use of their building.
See you next time!!!

Friday, March 9, 2007


In partnership with Mission Services & Redeemer University College...
We're proud to present:

"Word 4 the Street"
a Coffeehouse to raise awareness about poverty in Canada.
March 30, 7pm @ 1st Hamilton CRC

The Lord willing, we'll do this 3 or 4 times a year at different locations, highlighting different local musicians and organizations.

Suggested min. cover charge: $5
(donations of any amount are happily accepted!)
Canned goods also joyfully welcomed.
Proceeds go to Mission Services:

God is good... who would've forseen this when we started dreaming wildly in the fall!?

Feel free to print this poster (created by our own Angie Poot!), and post at your church or school.
Email for more info.


The Potluck/Study/Meeting/Worship night was awesome!

Email to get involved, eh?

Monthly Potluck Meetings... SHERRY
-once a month we come together in different places to regroup: study the Word, share experiences, plan events, jam a bit... you know, good times.

Clothing Bank... CHAD
-there's a big clean-up & sorting day on Saturday March 31st! Also ongoing opportunties.

Women's Ministry... CINDY
-more to come!

Coffeehouse with Mission Services & Redeemer... ANGIE & MARIJKE
-see above for details!!!

Advocacy in churches... EVERYONE
-talk to your church or workplace about monthly clothing/essentials drives... shoot for by/before summer.

Our next official POTLUCK'S IN MAY, and will feature Arie Hoogerbrugge, speaking about Prison Ministry and Matthew 25.

Unofficially, an impromptu PRAYER & JAM SESSION IN APRIL.
A lot of people are busy this month... so just show up if you can!

Also, "Another World is Possible" has asked for feedback on their series.
Post your first impressions of the video - What struck you? What moved you? (or didn't move you?) What are some questions or ideas that would be helpful to facilitate discussion?
Let us know :)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


DATE: This Sunday, MARCH 4TH
TIME: 6pm
WHERE: Longwood North

WHAT: Potluck, Prayer, Bible Study, Worship, Evaluating group projects....

DVD STUDY: "Another World is Possible: Poverty"

RSVP: and tell us what food you can bring!

See more info on the series:

Volume 2: Poverty
In this Volume... The Simple Way community takes us on a jouney through our world of economic extremes, from the poverty of Philly’s inner city to the clamor of Wall Street. Begining in an abandoned house, they drive us through the industrial wasteland of Kensington, and they invite us to the New York Stock Exchange for the infamous Jubliee Money Drop.

Multi-media clips included here are designed for educational purposes and biblical study. A beautiful harmony of songs and images, teaching and storytelling unveil the tragic realities of our fragile world and incredible hope that “another world is possible.” Here we are all invited to re-imagine the communality of the early Christian Church and to discover fresh ways of living it out today.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Evolving Church: Restoring Justice

March 24, 2007
before Feb 26 to join a group
of 10+ for $69.
(Students: talk to your church
about financial support!)


We've been asked if we have a logo for coffeehouse promotional posters. Here are some ideas... do you have other ideas???
Email your concepts or post comments!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Let Yourself be Wonderfully Overwhelmed

Here's an anonymous comment from a recent email:
(shared with permission)

I think the way this group is headed is good. I like to be challenged (as I am currently experiencing with Shane's book), and I want to get out of the comfort zone I'm living in now.
...At school, it's very easy to get wrapped up in ourselves with papers & tests & all that jazz, and yet there's more to life than that.
So, I'm glad my eyes are gradually being opened to what's really going on in this world, where I'm being shown that I need to readjust my thoughts/priorities and focus more on love for those who are too commonly neglected and feared.
It's scary to think about and hard to know where to start, but the things this group is looking into opens doors--necessary ones--ones that have been closed for too long. I had no idea how much poverty affected those in Hamilton until this year--and it's just a ridiculous cycle. I was thinking--we should go and visit Philadelphia or some other community like the one Shane lived in. He keeps on inviting us.

Friday, February 2, 2007


Check out "The Irresistible Revolution":
Download Chapter 5:
Order it at Chapters/Indigo:
DVD Series: Another World is Possible
1. Poverty 2. Creation 3. War


On the Road: January 22, a ragamuffin group of 12 ended up as dinner guests with the noble men & women of Hamilton.
We were students, and yet have much to learn.

In a way it seems too much to take pictures and write about it... it's just community, eh? Is this how we could always live?

We didn't take pictures of the other guests for obvious reasons. Again, the photos here are not to highlight us, but to invite you in.
If anything, seeing these images is an embarrassing reminder that this sort of thing isn't commonplace.

What are your impressions? Can such community be a part of every day life? (The spirit & understanding of community... reciprocity... can it get into every corner of living?)

January 22 was also a Route6:4 Group Mtg & Music/Prayer Mtg at Longwood North.
Awesome. We went til midnight.
Let's call it "Night of a Thousand Djembes" in honour of our forgiving neighbours.

Here's what transpired over a couple dozen mugs of Hot Chocolate:
1. Quarterly (or so) CoffeeHouse with Mission Services, Redeemer &
Freeway Church. This is a priority: more info to come.

2. Monthly Clothing Bank Support. 6-8 people so far! This would be a few hours a month @ the school (see Jan. pics). A few people downstairs sorting, a few upstairs interacting with clients. Priority: email/comment to tell me what nights you're NOT available.

3. Friday Night Street Walks with 'Helping Hands.'
We'll find out more.

4. Mission Services Monthly Community Dinner - everyone seemed to want to do this again. We'll find out how often M.S. needs our help (it might not be every month if they have other volunteer groups wanting to help out).

5. Advocate in your Church! So simple to host a monthly "Essentials" Drive for items like toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, socks, etc., that are needed.

6. Mission Services' weekly chapel service.
Their chaplain needs help with leading worship. This is a bit tricky because of
people's work schedules. We'll still find out more.

First Sunday of every month.
Next one: Sunday March 4th, 6pm.
Sharing outreach experiences,
Music, Prayer, Bible study,
book/dvd discussions... FOOD!
We'd like to discuss Shane Claiborne's book "The Irresistable Revolution" ( and watch the DVD series: "Another World is Possible" (

Yep, good times had by all.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

War on Poverty - Toronto Star Article

Toronto Star's Long-term series starting Jan 13,
"aimed at shedding light on poverty and finding ways to ease the pain."

"In 2007, hidden in plain sight, one in six Canadians lives in poverty...."

Friday, January 12, 2007


Sorting clothes for Mission Service's new clothing bank was a great experience.
Just so we're clear, the pictures posted here are not to highlight us and the work we did, but to tell you how blessed we were, and to share some of our excitement with you.

The night was good. Most of us got lost on the way (crazy one-way streets!), or at the school (some may have wandered the grounds in the dark for an undisclosed amount of time), but it all worked out.
The cool thing is that it was the fish symbol on a car that drew people in :)

Once through the labyrinth and into the dungeon (we thought about making a bread-crumb trail), the next 4-5 hours were spent moving stuff, meeting new people, opening bags, learning about the neighbourhood and the community centre, sorting clothes, coats, shoes, etc.

We listened to Larry Norman and Harry Conick Jr ad infinitum, had some great discussions about poverty, community, and the media... and I'd like to say we came away with something new - some new awareness - but it's hard to define without sounding like we were somehow consumers of the experience.
Let's just say it was good.
We started with three and ended with about 20 or 25.

The bank is set to open up later this month - if you'd like to get involved with sorting, organizing, or manning the desk, email, and we'll help hook you up.

Clothing Bank Pictures

Angie gets creative with a stroller............................................Sorting 101
(Wish you could have seen Nick with a stroller but he ran away when he saw the camera).


Yep, that's a giant pile of garbage bags with clothes in them.
Look a little closer..............Yep, that's Sherry drowning in the giant pile.

Training at Riki's pays off.....................We couldn't figure this out.

Some thought a foot-holder..........................Some thought a diaper.

Um, not sure: praying, diving, or fainting?..............Chillin out in some garbage bags.

Ashley and Sarah looking like pros. ...........People came out of the woodwork
.................................................(they really might have - it's a quirky building).