Friday, February 2, 2007


On the Road: January 22, a ragamuffin group of 12 ended up as dinner guests with the noble men & women of Hamilton.
We were students, and yet have much to learn.

In a way it seems too much to take pictures and write about it... it's just community, eh? Is this how we could always live?

We didn't take pictures of the other guests for obvious reasons. Again, the photos here are not to highlight us, but to invite you in.
If anything, seeing these images is an embarrassing reminder that this sort of thing isn't commonplace.

What are your impressions? Can such community be a part of every day life? (The spirit & understanding of community... reciprocity... can it get into every corner of living?)

January 22 was also a Route6:4 Group Mtg & Music/Prayer Mtg at Longwood North.
Awesome. We went til midnight.
Let's call it "Night of a Thousand Djembes" in honour of our forgiving neighbours.

Here's what transpired over a couple dozen mugs of Hot Chocolate:
1. Quarterly (or so) CoffeeHouse with Mission Services, Redeemer &
Freeway Church. This is a priority: more info to come.

2. Monthly Clothing Bank Support. 6-8 people so far! This would be a few hours a month @ the school (see Jan. pics). A few people downstairs sorting, a few upstairs interacting with clients. Priority: email/comment to tell me what nights you're NOT available.

3. Friday Night Street Walks with 'Helping Hands.'
We'll find out more.

4. Mission Services Monthly Community Dinner - everyone seemed to want to do this again. We'll find out how often M.S. needs our help (it might not be every month if they have other volunteer groups wanting to help out).

5. Advocate in your Church! So simple to host a monthly "Essentials" Drive for items like toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, socks, etc., that are needed.

6. Mission Services' weekly chapel service.
Their chaplain needs help with leading worship. This is a bit tricky because of
people's work schedules. We'll still find out more.

First Sunday of every month.
Next one: Sunday March 4th, 6pm.
Sharing outreach experiences,
Music, Prayer, Bible study,
book/dvd discussions... FOOD!
We'd like to discuss Shane Claiborne's book "The Irresistable Revolution" ( and watch the DVD series: "Another World is Possible" (

Yep, good times had by all.

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