Friday, January 12, 2007

Clothing Bank Pictures

Angie gets creative with a stroller............................................Sorting 101
(Wish you could have seen Nick with a stroller but he ran away when he saw the camera).


Yep, that's a giant pile of garbage bags with clothes in them.
Look a little closer..............Yep, that's Sherry drowning in the giant pile.

Training at Riki's pays off.....................We couldn't figure this out.

Some thought a foot-holder..........................Some thought a diaper.

Um, not sure: praying, diving, or fainting?..............Chillin out in some garbage bags.

Ashley and Sarah looking like pros. ...........People came out of the woodwork
.................................................(they really might have - it's a quirky building).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Diaper? carrier?